Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Law vs Grace

The Law vs Grace

In the Law we find:

1.God prohibiting and requiring ministry of condemnation
2.Curses Kills
4.shuts every mouth before God
5. Great and guilty distance between man and God
6.'an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth'
7.'hate thine enemies'
8.the law says Do and live
9.Law never has a missionary
10.Utterly condemns the best man
11.Law is probation
12.Sheep die for the Shepard

In Grace we find:

1.God beseeching and bestowing
3.Redeems from the curse, makes alive
4.Opens every mouth to praise
5. Makes quilty man draw to God
6.'resist no evil, but whosoever shall smite thee on the right cheek, turn to him the left also.
7.'bless them that hate you'
8.Grace- believe and live
9.Grace is to be preached to every creature
10.Grace freely justifies the worst
11.Grace is favor
12. Shepard died for sheep

To try to mingle the two in current teachings of today spoils both; for law is robbed of its terror and grace is robbed of its freedom.